by Karen | Sep 18, 2021 | Blog, Science, Taxonomy
In the last several years we have seen many changes to the taxonomy of the birds of the world, and 2021 is no exception! This year the American Ornithological Society’s committee on Classification and Nomenclature of North and Middle American Birds (the NACC)...
by Pilar Bernal | Jul 25, 2021 | Blog, News, Science
In the month of July, we celebrated World Environment Day (June 5) and Arbor Day (June 15) by creating more habitat for birds! Osa Birds received funding from Tropical Wings, a non-profit organization dedicated to birds and habitat protection. With the support and...
by Pilar Bernal | Aug 22, 2019 | Blog, Science
See The English Version Below El grupo de monitoreo biológico comunitario de Rancho Quemado mediante los alcances del proyecto “Estrategias de conservación de bosques y fortalecimiento de emprendimientos verdes en la comunidad de Rancho Quemado, en el área de...
by Karen | Aug 10, 2019 | Blog, News
Today the Biological Monitoring Group of Rancho Quemado and the Junior Park Guards gathered to restore a degraded watershed along the Riyito River at the bridge entrance to Rancho Quemado. Plants such as Heliconias, Episcias lilacinas, Calateas, Rubeaseas, Estococas...
by Karen | Jul 24, 2019 | Blog, Science
Ver la Traducción al Español Abajo. The new common and or scientific names are highlighted in Bold below for birds found either on the Osa Peninsula or in the southern Pacific region of Costa Rica. For other taxonomic order changes or merges/splits, please refer to...
by Pilar Bernal | Jul 15, 2019 | Blog, News
En el proyecto “Estrategias de conservación de bosques y fortalecimiento de emprendimientos verdes en la comunidad de Rancho Quemado, en el área de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional Corcovado”, actualmente ejecutado por Aves de Osa y financiado por el Canje I de...