Bird Banding Workshops

For Intermediate and Advanced Banders

There are no dates scheduled for 2024


Conserving Birds And Their Habitats On The Osa Peninsula Through Research And Education

Habitat Restoration

Osa Birds partnered with Tropical Wings and the Biological Monitoring Group of Rancho Quemado to restore fragmented and degraded habitat.

Citizen Science

Osa Birds works with Osa communities to monitor bird population tendencies through citizen science and engaging kids and adults in organized bird counts.

Community Outreach

Education is woven into everything we do!  We raise awareness of bird conservation and habitat protection within the local schools and communities through and community events.


Global Big Day

Global Big Day

Help us celebrate The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Global Big Day and World Migratory Bird Day on May 13, 2023! How? Go out and count birds and add your observations to eBird. Take 10 minutes creating an eBird checklist from birds you observe in your garden or head...

Awesome Experiences in Rancho Quemado!

Awesome Experiences in Rancho Quemado!

Some called it “a trip of a lifetime,” others “transformative.”  All of the ten volunteers who ventured across the Osa peninsula were greatly affected by the beauty of the Costa Rica landscape, the boundless hospitality of our hosts, the amazing diversity found...

Women Leaders in Conservation

Women Leaders in Conservation

For all the hard work and dedication that these women conservation leaders have put forth, I want to showcase them and their tireless work both with Osa Birds and in support of their community of Rancho Quemado. From left to right, Nuria Ureña, Yolanda Rodriguez and...

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